Blood sugar reading before eating: 84
I hadn’t eaten in about 6 hours (since lunch).
Blood sugar reading after eating: 126
I waited about 40 minutes after eating before testing my blood sugar level. The next time I eat this, I’ll wait a bit longer before testing the blood sugar.
The veggies in my bowl are spicy bean sprouts, spinach (prepared with sesame, I think), spicy cucumbers, and some brown stuff that I can’t name but it’s good. The whole thing is somewhat similar to bibimbap (비빔밥), a really common Korean veggie dish that usually comes with rice and a fried egg.
I think it’s pretty safe to say that spicy Korean pork (제육) with vegetables is safe for the diabetic diet! I buy the pork and these particular vegetables pre-cooked and prepared from a store that specifically sells restaurant-like Korean food in plastic containers. I guess I would call it a 반찬 전문점 in Korean. Those places are fairly common in Seoul.

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