Diabetes blood sugar before and after: Korean food (grilled pork belly 삼겹살)

diabetes blood sugar test before and after eating Korean food pork belly samgyeopsal 삼겹살

Blood sugar reading before eating: 79

This reading of 79 was about three hours after eating a can of Hormel Chili. During that time, I took my dog Terry out for a walk.

Blood sugar reading after eating: 118

This reading was about an hour after I finished eating.

The post-meal blood sugar increase here is pretty small! Predictably, this increase of 79 → 118 is similar to the modest increase after eating spicy Korean pork, which was 108 → 131 the last time I had it.

My meal of Korean pork belly and vegetables was pretty much the same stuff as the spicy Korean pork. Both are just pork and vegetables. I bought about 1 lb. (~500g) of pork belly, and I ate about 400g of it.

This pork belly is called “sahm-gyeop-sahl” (삼겹살) in Korean.

Before you make Korean pork belly a regular part of your diet, you should probably do your own before-and-after blood sugar tests.

diabetes blood sugar test before and after eating Korean food pork belly
This is what pork belly looks like in the store.
diabetes blood sugar test before and after eating Korean food
I cooked the pork on my electric grill. The small dish of red paste is a bean paste (쌈장). The bag of green stuff is shredded onion or scallions or something … it was included with the meat. If you order this in a restaurant, you’ll probably be cooking it yourself over a charcoal grill that’s built into the table.
diabetes blood sugar test before and after eating Korean food pork belly
The green stuff: lettuce and not-spicy peppers. The red stuff, from left to right: a piece of tofu, bean sprouts, kimchi, radishes.