Blood sugar reading before eating: 108
This reading of 87 was in the morning at work before I had eaten anything.
Blood sugar reading after eating: 219
This reading was a little over an hour after I finished my sandwich. During that time I also had a cup of Starbuck’s coffee that someone had handed to me. I’m pretty sure it was just black, no sugar.
My sandwich was a 6-inch Tuna on what I’m pretty sure was Honey Oat. The sandwich was provided at a business outing, so I don’t know what sauces were on it.
That gross-looking Spicy Italian that I tested last week raised my blood sugar from 87 to 180. This one bumped me from 108 to 219! Dang. It’s not looking good for Subway as far as diabetics are concerned.
What you could try doing is taking everything off the Subway roll and just use a slice of whole wheat bread. This morning I had a six inch Italian sub I bought at 7-11, but I ditched the roll and put all the meat and cheese on a single slice of Pepperidge Farm 15 grain bread with some mayo. Now I do the two hour test method and I was at 129 after two hours. My doctor gave me Metformin to take twice a day. It made me feel like crap, so I have stopped taking it. So far I’m doing OK without it just just being real careful with what I eat. So far for me the big killer was a bagel. I might as well had ate a donut. LOL Like your Web site with you being the guinea pig trying foods that most people with diabetes would never try. I might give the Whopper a try, but ditch their roll for the Pepperidge Farm 15 grain bread.
Hi Mike! I love all the comments, and I’m glad you’re (apparently) finding my little glucose tests interesting.
I agree, dumping the Subway bread is a great idea. Wasn’t it in the news recently that Subway bread can’t even be classified as bread anymore? Something about the sugar content?
Anyway, I’m all for “modifying” foods in whatever way works for you.
I just ordered a six foot tuna on whole wheat ..I wonder if this will raise my sugar I’m fighting covid right now and I was on antibiotics and steroids so this may be why my sugar was at 190 one morning I was given insulin in the hospital but now that I’m home I dont take insulin I’m hoping to manage my sugar to where it used to be under 100 ..since I got sick with covid my sugar went crazy could it be because my body us stressed out ? Anyways any advice would help ..thanks Maria Larragoitiy