Most noodles are made from wheat. Wheat is bad! So what about egg noodles? They’re not made from wheat. Egg noodles are made from eggs, and that’s why we call them egg noodles. So therefore, egg noodles should be ok for diabetics! Right?
Wrong! I hate this. I wish the answer was YES because I love egg noodles. But the data don’t lie.
I bought a bag of egg noodles and, despite my chronic laziness, I actually got around to making homemade chicken noodle soup with it. And I made a lot of it! Whoopsie.
I had boiled a bunch of chicken to make tacos, so I decided to use all that chicken broth instead of dumping it like I usually do.

Blood sugar reading before eating: 111
This reading of 111 was at lunchtime.
Blood sugar reading after eating: 168
This reading was about an hour after I finished my lunch of soup and salad.
So 111 → 168 is actually pretty okay! I liked this result. Unfortunately I decided to do more tests.

Blood sugar reading before eating: 102
This reading of 102 was on a Saturday evening.
Blood sugar reading after eating: 207
This reading was about an hour after I finished my soup.
So … goddammit. I really wanted egg noodles to be on my permanent menu. I was going to start making tuna noodle casserole again! I lived on that crap in college, and I loved it.
So I had one good test and one bad test. I needed a tie-breaker.

Blood sugar reading before eating: 111
This reading of 111 was on a Sunday night.
Blood sugar reading after eating: 214
This reading was about an hour after I finished my soup.
So this tie-breaker didn’t go as hoped. Ugh! Anytime you get an increase of 100+ on the blood sugar thingy, that’s bad.
To be fair, these tests aren’t totally scientific because the amount of soup … and therefore, the quantity of egg noodles … differed between each test. But it still seems pretty clear that egg noodles are bad for the ‘beetus. I used the same bowl each time, and you can only fit so much soup in there.
Well, at least I know that egg noodles ain’t cool. They seem to be just as bad as regular noodles. Goshdarnit!
And in case you’re curious, here’s the nutrition info, taken directly from Mrs. Miller’s website.

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