Diabetics might wanna stay away from Boston Market’s Chicken Pot Pie

diabetes boston market pot pie

We all know that carbs are bad for diabetics. But I figured this chicken pot pie might be OK because the pastry crust on a pot pie usually isn’t thick or especially doughy.

And Boston Market’s pot pie only has crust on the top! Lazy on their part, but that’s less carb content for me, so I have no objections.

Blood sugar reading before eating: 100

This reading of 100 was in the afternoon, but I hadn’t eaten anything yet that day.

Blood sugar reading after eating: 245

This reading was about an hour after I finished the pot pie.

100 → 245 is way more of an increase than I was expecting! Geez. The pot pie was pretty good, but I definitely won’t be eating it again.

I guess another factor that makes this bad for diabetics could be whatever they use to make the sauce that goes on the inside.

diabetes boston market pot pie

In fact, a lot of the foods that Boston Market serves are a bad idea for anyone who has diabetes. Sure, roasted chicken and turkey shouldn’t be a problem. But if you go there, your choice of sides will be pretty limited.

Potatoes? Corn? Mac & cheese? CORNBREAD? Nope to all of those!

The sides that I had were creamed spinach and steamed vegetables. I really wanted mashed potatoes and mac & cheese, but I already knew the pot pie was kind of a risky proposition. FU diabetes!!!!

boston market sides