This little (widdle!) egg tart magically appeared on my desk at work. (Thanks, Liz :D)
That’s it. That’s the story.
Blood sugar reading before eating: 118
This reading of 118 was late in the afternoon at work, and it had been many hours since my daily Diabex/Metformin pill.

Blood sugar reading after eating: 144
This reading was about an hour after I finished eating that widdle egg tart.
On the one hand, this very modest increase of +26 mg/dL might make you want to run to the nearest bakery and eat every egg tart in sight!
But when you consider how tiny this thing was, +26 could be seen as pretty horrifying. I didn’t measure it, but I think it was maybe 2 to 2 1/2 inches across. It was vewy, vewy widdle.
So if there’s any lesson to be learned here, I guess it’s that you CAN survive a CUTE WIDDLE PASTRY! But don’t go nuts, ok?

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